
This collection walks the line between art and fashion and is meant to tell a deep and dark story. The story is that of a child living in a home with domestic violence. The first look appears monotone on the outside while the inside is a deep red with hand painted messages throughout. It symbolizes a child presenting to the world that they are ok. This experience makes them present as dull, sad, lacking joy while on the inside their mind is filled with feelings of terror, hate, and the constant question of “why?”. The next look shows feeling trapped. When enduring this experience the child feels trapped within the family, home, and especially their minds. Lastly, the third look tells the story of being torn. To escape domestic violence the child feels torn in many ways. Should they leave for their safety and growth? Or should they stay for their family, their siblings, and to try and protect them? The model spinning while having paint thrown on her shows the process of taking that step to free yourself. You’re torn between many things but to escape you must endure a lot of pain and obstacles. In the end you will come out scarred but you will be better off for it. The collection aims to evoke emotions and to tell a story of overcoming massive obstacles.

Below is a short video to support the collection.